Monday, July 2, 2007


feeling extremely melancholic now, i thought, its time to blog here again!

i've been on hiatus for a long time, i realise. over here. that's cos i have a journal, remember.
dont really have something serious to say here, just feeling a little tired and bored and everything put together. just want to have someone to talk to but in the end i will realise i dont really know how to put my thoughts across. its just frustrating but its something that's beyond me. totally.

really have no idea what's making me do this but i guess its the loneliness. work sucks too. i dont want to work at all..when school starts, its just going to be about me, me and more of me. school work and school work and more of school work. im not really interested in relationships now.just want to get over the past, get my two degree (preferably with upper class honours) and start work. boyfriends and all can come later. im really pretty tired of committments and strings and all those. work committment is one. sigh

life isnt fair. life isnt easy. who says growing up is easy? its really abt bearing the pain you arent accustomed to, i've been overprotected in the past. now that im all alone and independent, its time to face the reality and start thinking on my feet. no more sweet honeymoon my dear, life's a rollercoaster. its gonna take alot out of you so let's just say i'll give my best.

come what may - im really tired to even think of the pain.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Shrek 3 Trailer

heehee i watched the trailer while i was in the cinema too. OH MY its going to be really funny - cant wait x) i've watched shrek 1 and 2 for so many times i've lost count (just like how i lost count of the number of times i watched lord of the rings, hee) the MUST WATCH OF ALL CARTOONS!

Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - At World's End Trailer

I CANT WAIT FOR THE MOVIE TO BE OUT! the trailer was awesome (the "welcome to singapore" did the trick) and i really hope it would be the best of the three parts so far. caught the trailer while i was in the theatres for Spiderman 3 (which was equally good too!) i was pretty hyped up during the movie with all those action and fighting stuff, though whatever happened to harry osbourne was sad. he was a like new found idol for awhile. but anyway i really like the movie cos it really talks alot abt life and stuff. like how revenge is a venom and how weak man really is. spiderman isnt invincible; he's just like us.

i totally strayed from the point in this entry. hahaha PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN IS A MUST WATCH! :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

food for thought

sometimes you try and try yet you fail to be, dont you fray cos you know you've tried. there are some things in life that you cant do - that's true, but that doesnt mean you shouldnt try cos you wouldnt know you cant do it if you never try.


in life, its inevitable to have expectations of yourself, which would amount to more stress and more motivation. it's not that expectations arent good stuff - sometimes they can be the motivators you need to move on to something else, they dont have to be the last straw that will make you explode. but for me, they have been more of a pain than gain. sometimes i wished i didnt have that many expectations of myself. it started from an innocent dream to a fervent wish, and that kinda drained me energy and strength to move on to other things.

if only i didnt have that many expectations of myself. i should have known my limits - there are just things i cannot do no matter how hard i try, but i still push myself to be responsible for all the consequences. i want to teach myself how to relax and see things from another angle - the slightly easier way out. i complicate things sometimes, it gets a little unbearable when i start paranoid over small things that are so trivial. take for example, my work. my colleague doesnt find the job stressful at all - and for that, i envy her. cos she can take her responsibilities in such a nonchalent manner - or rather, carefree manner - that she finds things easy to handle. that's the kind of happy-go-lucky spirit. if only i can do that. i just find myself bearing too many responsibilities. you can say i have a strong sense of responsibility. that can be my strength, and my ultimate weakness as all. life is short - i really shouldnt take myself out of my limits too often, cos that will just drain my life away.

if only i can let go of certain feelings and lost dreams more easily. sometimes i find myself getting obsessed over something i should have already let go - maybe it's just the perfectionistic streak in me. and i cant help it, cos its just me. im glad sometimes i know im a perfectionist - it lets me understand myself better, albeit the painful way. i relish the thought of understanding myself and finding myself, cos im often so brain-addled that i start getting all muddly-fuddly and lose all directions. its not wrong to be perfectionist. and its not our fault. some people can just make do with things they have, perfectionists want to make things they have the best they can have. the way we handle things are slightly different - and its not a bad thing completely. sure, way too perfectionistic and you get let down easily cos there are no such thing as perfect, but being perfectionist means u put in the best effort each time u try to accomplish something. which makes it a good thing, isnt it. its just that flaws in man are hard to cover. they are just glaring out. if only strengths in people can be emphasized more often, in that way perfectionistic streaks would cease to be dominant. if only we can realise our strengths earlier. if only strengths can be as glaring as weaknesses. that will make life so much easier.

if only everyone is truthful to their feelings, in that way, there wouldnt be regrets. some people ended up where they started out 10 year ago, and that is such a pity cos that will mean you've lost 10 years pursuing something that turned out nothing. its sad, isnt it. but we wouldnt know that 10 years ago right? so we still have to try, even if the outcome was nothing we would want. you wouldnt regret, cos you tried. you wouldnt have to spend the next 1o years wondering what would happen if you tried 20 years ago. in that way, you will lose 20 years. so its quite a curmulative thing. its give and take and you have to decide what you would want. conclusion is, you have to try no matter what. follow your heart - that's the most important. cos you've tried and no matter what the outcome is, you know you'll have no regrets. that's just life, isnt it. you just have to try for everything. dont live to regret - choose what you really want, not what others want of you.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

孙燕姿 咕嘰咕嘰

hee i really like bang bang tang AND GUESS WHAT i kinda like this dance hurrhurr its really weird but its just the kind u will feel happy after listening to it once. hahaha its a mood booster (and i really hope it applies to eveyone.)

we all deserve to have a nice day :)

Monday, April 16, 2007

the pain of rejection

the pain of rejection.

some people arent destined to face rejections, others have to face it like its the only constant in their lives. some people chose to run away from rejections, often thinking of alternative routes they think would lessen the pain. others chose to face it, that is life's biggest dilemma anyway.

i couldnt tell her i knew my colleague has already gotten into that university. i let her find it out on her own. she couldnt accept it i guess, going U.S has been her childhood dream. just like going UK was my childhood dream - no more, that is. i still want cambridge, but im a little deflated to challenge myself to apply to the university - im one of those escapists i mentioned just now, unable to face the rejection, i chose alternative routes to hide my weakness.

but is that wrong? i dont think so. if in the first place i knew of the rejections, i dont think its wrong to not even try. i knew trying would be fruitless - somehow - i know others will tell me, just try, c'mon, you will never know what's the outcome right? WHO KNOWS? but i just didnt want to try, you can say im timid, you can say im weak, the weakling who doesnt even DARE to try. but i know myself - i know im not the kind of person who wants big dreams. i have big dreams, but they will remain as dreams. cos those dreams arent necessarily what i wanted. its just not something a young girl should have. you can say im just too unconventional, but its what i want. i want a simple life, one without much frills, just one that's pleasant enough for me. i just need an ideal job, a new squeeze, a fantastic ring of friends and a mid-profile school life - and that's enough for me to handle. i already have a great ring of friends, and my junior college life was great. if my university life is as good as my jc school days, i think heaven has been good enough to me. i have a great family too, supportive parents and sisters, excellent aunties and uncles, brilliant cousins and so much more. life's good, what more can i ask for?

船到桥头自然直 - let's just take it easy :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Death Note parody TRANSLATED debu note

hahahaha debu note? pretty interesting eh. AND TSUYOSHI was in it! lol must watch :D

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


i guess i came back from taiwan a more superstitious person. okay maybe superstition is the wrong word to use. i came back a little more wiser, a little more devoted. that sounds much better isnt it, i made myself sound scary.

anyway, i realised i am the kind of person with a lot of aspirations. i have a lot of ideas that i want to materialise, but i do not have the conviction, ability or fervour to accomplish them. more like, i dont have the courage to convert the ideas into reality. i guess i was too protected in the first place to even venture out of my comfort zone.

and i thought i did venture a little out of my world, but i guess the reverse is true. how i wish i can go ahead and realise a little bit more of my aspirations.

i didnt choose medicine cos i was too timid. i din want to face the hostile environment, i din want to commit to working as a doctor. i merely wanted the glory, but i never wanted to sustain it. i din dare to, i couldnt do it.

i realised whatever i wished for would never come true because i never work hard for it in the first place. if only the reality isnt that complicated. if only it was a one-way route, one whereby i din have to make any choices. that's life, isnt it? because we are faced with so many decisions, we are often faced with the dilemma, whether or not we made the "right" decision.

because we are exposed to so many influences, my mindset changes with the changing environment too. i wanted to do so much more, but my every action seemed so restricted. my life has so many limits i couldnt remove, if only i was more a little more courageous.

life is a bed of roses.

Nada Sou Sou ( 泪光闪闪) 涙そうそう

i caught the trailer while i was in taiwan. i really wanna watch it! its abt romance and i think it would end tragically. sigh MUST SEE!


back from taiwan!

the trip could have been better if we had a different tourguide/different itinery/different people/less bus trips.

overall it was okay though. i still love taiwan. (minus the politics.)


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

trivia of the day

you know i saw this really interesting newspaper article this morning and i really have smth to say abt it. its about manga btw and im a fan of anime and manga, much like any teenager living in sg and im proud of this fact :) it allows people from really diverse background to click. anyw back to the article.

it talks abt this manga polling back in taiwan some weeks ago and the poll was on the lousiest/poorly written/bad plot of all shouju and shounan mangas. and guess what. the one that was voted the lousiest was actually THE PRINCE OF TENNIS! (which, very coincidentally, is the set of books lying on the rack in front of me right now) and i must say i was appalled! cos as written in that article, the voters think that the prince of tennis is highly fictional with no sense of practicality and logic. which i really have to rebute. if its in the manga, then its all made up. cant they see manga as a room/space for free thinkers? its just a portal to imagine and envisage scenarios that are difficult/impossible to happen in reality. it just bugs me how they just dont see the meaning behind manga. its all about imagination and now these readers are saying the content is so illogical and made-up. talk about irony. pfffft

and third in place is KONAN the detective and the 55-book-long series. okay, personally i think the series is a whinny bit too long winded but the stories are great. well, i read up to, say, 30 books before i decided i really cant go on cos its really too dreary by then. but the stories are still great (though i would prefer kindaichi anytime, hehh) okay, the reason the voters gave for it being one of the lousiest was becos of the fact that after 12 ys of investigative work, konan doesnt seem to be growing up. OH COME ON. doraemon and crayon shinchan DONT GROW UP EITHER. maybe they shld be the one growing up. hahahaha oops sorry ><

and coming in second, (and i really cant put this down, really) is KYO. ahhh cant be cant be. i REALLY like this manga. boohoo please no, there is nothing wrong with the manga right? hahah it just makes me wonder what on earth were the voters thinking when they made their votes? out of jealousy or what? KYO is a great read. and im sure many others will agree with me :) dont you too?

and yes im done with Bubbles Betrothed already! though i must say i would have married Steve Stiletto if i were Bubbles. he was what bubbles deserved but somehow bubbles just din want to be re-committed into marriage and all. so yep even after that touching proposal, bubbles din blurt out any yes. awww maybe there's a 6th part to the series. woohoo! i really hope so.

im going to the library later!
before leaving the house for dinner with sharon, and before coming back to earth for work tmr. sighh work is tough. long working hours too. oh well, i wont say much abt work here, this black blog is supposed to be my hide-out. my alter alias. oh well

Monday, March 5, 2007

though i left house today with a conviction that i have to watch Letters, what i did watch didnt disappoint me :) PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS is nice! Will Smith is a great actor and as the plot changes, my heart went out to the gardner family too. you just have to watch it.

will watch Letters this weekend. meanwhile i shall work on my japanese and relish the day i can watch japanese tv without subs ><

hmmm i just received an sms that just sort of put me back to reality. arrgh my biology teacher asks if i was okay. no i'm not but its not the end of the world so..heck.

The Pursuit of Happyness Trailer

this movie is great. its the kind that's heartwarming and educational at the same time. it teaches me so much today. i realise i shld really cherish what i have and work hard for what i want to have. life doesnt come easy for many and i shld be glad i dont have to sell blood to make ends meet :(

Sunday, March 4, 2007


someone please convince me God has a plan.

i just B-ed my Biology. BIOLOGY. i just cant accept. i cant i cant i cant. i cant move on from here cos i just screwed up a subject i had the most passion for. karin karin karin i hate you :(

did okay for the rest of the subjects, at least i was pleased with my GP. it sort of eased my agony and i think i would rather get that B for Biology than ending up with 4As and a 5 for GP. if you get what i mean. really. but my heart is wrenched. arrgh

why why why. sigh even bubbles cant bring me back to zest. im really demoralised to a certain extent. but i still think i fared slightly better than many others so i shld just shut up and be contented for now. no point mulling over anyth now cos..there's nothing i can do now.

ta-da shall go and mourn quietly now.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bubbles Yablonsky

Sarah Strohmeyer is the best. really. her stories are wicked and her books were why i am so chirpy these days. i'm already on the 4th book of the Bubbles Series! my favourite by Strohmeyer has to be the Cinderella Pact (with all the Belinda Apple stints and Chip!!) though her Bubbles Series and all the homemade recipes are a big rocker. you ought to check them out. bubbles is CLASSIC.

so here are the titles, for those who are already thinking of hitting the library or nearest bookstore to check out Bubbles the Hairdresser/Reporter.

Bubbles Unbound
Bubbles In Trouble
Bubbles Ablaze
Bubbles A Broad (now the defination to A Broad is really classic. tt's so...bubbles.)
Bubbles Bethrothed :) (and hopefully to Steve Stiletto, im not done with book four yet!)

and other Strohmeyer titles you HAVE to read:
The Cinderella Pact (i lurvvve it!)
The Secret Lives of the Fortunate Wives

now now im a big bubblehead too :) and a big Belinda Apple fan! and most importantly, a big fan of Strohmeyer herself!
as for the movies!
im really interested in watching Letters from Iwo Jima. you know i recall reading from this astrology website and it says Virgoans make good historians. smth like that, or that Virgoans LOVE history. how true is that!

as for Letters, what about it really intrigues me is the fact that it is a movie on the Second World War from the japanese point of view. there are really a lot of movies based on the second world war, such as Empire of the Sun, but there are hardly any movies i can think of that speaks of the war from the japanese angle. now, im not denying the atrocities the japanese soldiers committed during the Second World War. they were horrible and many countries suffered and languished in agony during the Japanese Occupation. but it's intriguing to find out what went on in the minds of the ruthless soldiers who robbed millions of their homes and families. afterall, they were/are humans too and they had/have families too. and most of them probably never wanted to go to war against asia too. they were, and i think most likely, coerced into war. so its only fair that we watch this movie and think about the content and appreciate the themes. history at its best.

okay i dont know if this makes sense but i think the movie would be nice. maybe it wouldnt be that politically correct but i sure hope the cinematographic effects would make it my personal favourite. i really hope it doesnt disappoint me :)
alright! that's about all. and today's my last day of furita-hood. really. me, the big couching tv hidden fahrenhait-fan is going to work tomorrow. grits. i will miss the days when i can sit infront of the tv from 10 to 10 or romp the comp from 12 to 12. ahhh am i depressed! (just a little though, i get more depressed when im not working!) looks like i lost my motivation after waking up this morning. sigh

work, here i come! my 3rd job after sifting through 2 temp jobs as a waitress and cny promotion assistant. time to settle down and be money-minded :)


Thursday, February 22, 2007

looks like i can never get away from blogging and all those stuff. shall just talk abt my favourite things and things i observed here and leave my livejournal for more personal stuff.

just came back from this fantabulous vacation on StarVirgo and i must admit it did make me feel much more alive :) kudos to star cruises!

and there are a couple of movies i would like to share with you guys.

The Perfect Man by Hilary Duff
As the title says it all, the movie was more or less talking abt THE perfect man. well, not like perfect men really exisits. in the first place, how do you define a perfect man? is it the things he does and the way he acts? because a man will seem different in the eyes of different women. cos we are all opinionated in different ways, there is no way you can ever conclude if a man is perfect. cos he may seem perfect to you, but not to the other woman. its this gauge thing that's unresolved. and gauges and rules and things as such only exist in the mind. we shouldnt live with such stigma, right?

The Da Vinci Code by Tom Hanks
religion. its really amazing how people can talk and debate all they want on religion and never seem to find the satisfactory conclusion. i think all religions stem from the same ancestral stock. just like how Man were gradually evolved from chimps and neanderthals. well, you can disagree with me anytime. im fine with it. you know it just intrigues me the way people question Jesus's immortality? you know, its fine by me if he's married with a wife and have a living bloodline still living among us. because i think he turned immortal. he was a man, but he turned immortal. doesnt tt quite answer the question? i dunno, mystifying. but hey! we all deserve some personal space right? so what if he really had a wife? i think its better we acknowledge it. you know, solve the pending problems and come what may.

alright, that's about all. this is just for reading pleasure okay? im just here to express my thoughts :)

take care and have a good weekend!
