Thursday, February 22, 2007

looks like i can never get away from blogging and all those stuff. shall just talk abt my favourite things and things i observed here and leave my livejournal for more personal stuff.

just came back from this fantabulous vacation on StarVirgo and i must admit it did make me feel much more alive :) kudos to star cruises!

and there are a couple of movies i would like to share with you guys.

The Perfect Man by Hilary Duff
As the title says it all, the movie was more or less talking abt THE perfect man. well, not like perfect men really exisits. in the first place, how do you define a perfect man? is it the things he does and the way he acts? because a man will seem different in the eyes of different women. cos we are all opinionated in different ways, there is no way you can ever conclude if a man is perfect. cos he may seem perfect to you, but not to the other woman. its this gauge thing that's unresolved. and gauges and rules and things as such only exist in the mind. we shouldnt live with such stigma, right?

The Da Vinci Code by Tom Hanks
religion. its really amazing how people can talk and debate all they want on religion and never seem to find the satisfactory conclusion. i think all religions stem from the same ancestral stock. just like how Man were gradually evolved from chimps and neanderthals. well, you can disagree with me anytime. im fine with it. you know it just intrigues me the way people question Jesus's immortality? you know, its fine by me if he's married with a wife and have a living bloodline still living among us. because i think he turned immortal. he was a man, but he turned immortal. doesnt tt quite answer the question? i dunno, mystifying. but hey! we all deserve some personal space right? so what if he really had a wife? i think its better we acknowledge it. you know, solve the pending problems and come what may.

alright, that's about all. this is just for reading pleasure okay? im just here to express my thoughts :)

take care and have a good weekend!


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