Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Death Note parody TRANSLATED debu note

hahahaha debu note? pretty interesting eh. AND TSUYOSHI was in it! lol must watch :D

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


i guess i came back from taiwan a more superstitious person. okay maybe superstition is the wrong word to use. i came back a little more wiser, a little more devoted. that sounds much better isnt it, i made myself sound scary.

anyway, i realised i am the kind of person with a lot of aspirations. i have a lot of ideas that i want to materialise, but i do not have the conviction, ability or fervour to accomplish them. more like, i dont have the courage to convert the ideas into reality. i guess i was too protected in the first place to even venture out of my comfort zone.

and i thought i did venture a little out of my world, but i guess the reverse is true. how i wish i can go ahead and realise a little bit more of my aspirations.

i didnt choose medicine cos i was too timid. i din want to face the hostile environment, i din want to commit to working as a doctor. i merely wanted the glory, but i never wanted to sustain it. i din dare to, i couldnt do it.

i realised whatever i wished for would never come true because i never work hard for it in the first place. if only the reality isnt that complicated. if only it was a one-way route, one whereby i din have to make any choices. that's life, isnt it? because we are faced with so many decisions, we are often faced with the dilemma, whether or not we made the "right" decision.

because we are exposed to so many influences, my mindset changes with the changing environment too. i wanted to do so much more, but my every action seemed so restricted. my life has so many limits i couldnt remove, if only i was more a little more courageous.

life is a bed of roses.

Nada Sou Sou ( 泪光闪闪) 涙そうそう

i caught the trailer while i was in taiwan. i really wanna watch it! its abt romance and i think it would end tragically. sigh MUST SEE!


back from taiwan!

the trip could have been better if we had a different tourguide/different itinery/different people/less bus trips.

overall it was okay though. i still love taiwan. (minus the politics.)


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

trivia of the day

you know i saw this really interesting newspaper article this morning and i really have smth to say abt it. its about manga btw and im a fan of anime and manga, much like any teenager living in sg and im proud of this fact :) it allows people from really diverse background to click. anyw back to the article.

it talks abt this manga polling back in taiwan some weeks ago and the poll was on the lousiest/poorly written/bad plot of all shouju and shounan mangas. and guess what. the one that was voted the lousiest was actually THE PRINCE OF TENNIS! (which, very coincidentally, is the set of books lying on the rack in front of me right now) and i must say i was appalled! cos as written in that article, the voters think that the prince of tennis is highly fictional with no sense of practicality and logic. which i really have to rebute. if its in the manga, then its all made up. cant they see manga as a room/space for free thinkers? its just a portal to imagine and envisage scenarios that are difficult/impossible to happen in reality. it just bugs me how they just dont see the meaning behind manga. its all about imagination and now these readers are saying the content is so illogical and made-up. talk about irony. pfffft

and third in place is KONAN the detective and the 55-book-long series. okay, personally i think the series is a whinny bit too long winded but the stories are great. well, i read up to, say, 30 books before i decided i really cant go on cos its really too dreary by then. but the stories are still great (though i would prefer kindaichi anytime, hehh) okay, the reason the voters gave for it being one of the lousiest was becos of the fact that after 12 ys of investigative work, konan doesnt seem to be growing up. OH COME ON. doraemon and crayon shinchan DONT GROW UP EITHER. maybe they shld be the one growing up. hahahaha oops sorry ><

and coming in second, (and i really cant put this down, really) is KYO. ahhh cant be cant be. i REALLY like this manga. boohoo please no, there is nothing wrong with the manga right? hahah it just makes me wonder what on earth were the voters thinking when they made their votes? out of jealousy or what? KYO is a great read. and im sure many others will agree with me :) dont you too?

and yes im done with Bubbles Betrothed already! though i must say i would have married Steve Stiletto if i were Bubbles. he was what bubbles deserved but somehow bubbles just din want to be re-committed into marriage and all. so yep even after that touching proposal, bubbles din blurt out any yes. awww maybe there's a 6th part to the series. woohoo! i really hope so.

im going to the library later!
before leaving the house for dinner with sharon, and before coming back to earth for work tmr. sighh work is tough. long working hours too. oh well, i wont say much abt work here, this black blog is supposed to be my hide-out. my alter alias. oh well

Monday, March 5, 2007

though i left house today with a conviction that i have to watch Letters, what i did watch didnt disappoint me :) PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS is nice! Will Smith is a great actor and as the plot changes, my heart went out to the gardner family too. you just have to watch it.

will watch Letters this weekend. meanwhile i shall work on my japanese and relish the day i can watch japanese tv without subs ><

hmmm i just received an sms that just sort of put me back to reality. arrgh my biology teacher asks if i was okay. no i'm not but its not the end of the world so..heck.

The Pursuit of Happyness Trailer

this movie is great. its the kind that's heartwarming and educational at the same time. it teaches me so much today. i realise i shld really cherish what i have and work hard for what i want to have. life doesnt come easy for many and i shld be glad i dont have to sell blood to make ends meet :(

Sunday, March 4, 2007


someone please convince me God has a plan.

i just B-ed my Biology. BIOLOGY. i just cant accept. i cant i cant i cant. i cant move on from here cos i just screwed up a subject i had the most passion for. karin karin karin i hate you :(

did okay for the rest of the subjects, at least i was pleased with my GP. it sort of eased my agony and i think i would rather get that B for Biology than ending up with 4As and a 5 for GP. if you get what i mean. really. but my heart is wrenched. arrgh

why why why. sigh even bubbles cant bring me back to zest. im really demoralised to a certain extent. but i still think i fared slightly better than many others so i shld just shut up and be contented for now. no point mulling over anyth now cos..there's nothing i can do now.

ta-da shall go and mourn quietly now.